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    Scrumptious Cookie Cake Delight

    This Scrumptious Cookie Cake Delight is a perfect celebratory dessert that’s moist and loaded with melting chocolate chips, crowned with a rich chocolate buttercream frosting for an irresistible indulgence.

    If you’re a fan of chocolate treats, you’ll also fall in love with our delectable chocolate chip cookie squares and our luscious walnut-studded chocolate chip cookies.

    Recipe Insights

    I’m utterly smitten with this easy yet sumptuous Cookie Cake. It’s a brilliant fusion of the classic chocolate chip cookie and the sublime sweetness of chocolate buttercream frosting. It’s guaranteed to be a crowd-pleaser!

    • FLAVOR: Made with ample butter, this cake delights with a deep cookie essence, while the chocolate buttercream frosting brings a heavenly taste.
    • CONSISTENCY: Enjoy a satisfying crunch on the exterior followed by a center that is chewy, indulgent, and oh-so-soft.
    • PREPARATION TIME: The preparation is swifter than individual cookies, requiring a 20-minute bake time due to its more significant size.
    • CONVENIENCE: Simpler than baking multiple cookies, this recipe lets you mix and bake in one single pan for the ultimate convenience!

    Essentials for Your Cookie Cake

    Necessary items to create Cookie Cake: butter, eggs, baking soda, flour, sugar, powdered sugar, brown sugar, vanilla extract, salt, milk, and cocoa powder.

    Key Ingredients Explained

    • Softened unsalted butter – The foundation of great cookie texture.
    • Rich golden brown sugar – Infuses moisture and adds a depth of flavor.
    • Egg + Extra yolk –These provide the moisture that makes the cake so luscious.
    • Semisweet chocolate chips – For that quintessential cookie experience, with more for sprinkling on top.
    • Extra fine powdered sugar –Makes for a smooth and creamy buttercream.
    • Cocoa Powder – Imparts a delectable chocolaty twist to the frosting.
    • Colorful rainbow sprinkles – For that festive finish.

    Creative Variations and Swaps

    • Infuse with decadent chocolate ganache – A luxurious addition for those who adore chocolate.
    • Drizzle with caramel – A luscious caramel drizzle offers a sticky, sweet flourish.
    • Crown with ice cream – A classic combination, cookie and ice cream create an indulgence that’s hard to resist.
    • Opt for peanut butter frosting – An unbeatable pair, chocolate and peanut butter deliver a knockout flavor duo.
    • Finish with chantilly cream – For a lighter topping that still satisfies your sweet tooth.
    • Sieve the dry components. Whisk together the flour, baking soda, and salt in a sizable bowl.
    • Whip the butter and sugars. Beat the soft butter, sugar, and brown sugar together until fully blended and fluffy, about 2 minutes.
    • Mix in the eggs and essence. Continue by incorporating the egg, additional egg yolk, and vanilla, mixing well.
    • Marry the mixtures. Gradually combine the dry and wet ingredients until just mixed.
    Instructions for Cookie Cake: creaming butter with sugars, incorporating eggs and vanilla, then gently mixing in the dry ingredients like salt, baking soda, and flour.
    • Stir in the chocolate chips. Evenly distribute the chocolate chips throughout the dough.
    • Oven magic. Prepare a 9-inch springform pan with parchment, firmly press the dough in, sprinkle additional chips on top, then bake at 350°F for about 22-25 minutes.
    Creating Cookie Cake: incorporating chocolate chips, then baking it to perfection in a prepared pan.
    • Prepare the frosting. While the cake cools, whip up the butter, cocoa, powdered sugar, vanilla, and milk until it reaches a smooth, creamy consistency.
    Preparing Cookie Cake: mixing butter, cocoa powder, and powdered sugar to create a sublime frosting.
    • Garnish and serve. Once cooled, move the cake to a wide-serving platter, adorn the cake’s perimeter with piped frosting, sprinkle with colorful sprinkles, and dive in!

    Expert Tip: For a chic frosting application, use a piping tool. Elevate your cake’s look with your preferred frosting pattern using an actual piping tool. For my cake, a Wilton 2D tip created the perfect touch.

    Cookie Cake with a slice cut out.

    Baking Success Tips

    • Room-Temperature Butter: Ensure butter is soft for easier blending. Let it rest at ambient temperature for half an hour; aim for soft to the touch but not liquefied.
    • Eggs at Room-Temperature: Like butter, eggs should also be at room temperature for better mixing. If they’re still chilled, submerge them in lukewarm water for 5 minutes.
    • No Need to Chill Dough: While chilling can inhibit spread in individual cookies, skip this step for cookie cakes since they’re baked in a pan.
    • Flatten the Dough Evenly: To maintain the cake’s structure when cutting, firmly press the dough into the baking dish to remove any gaps that may cause crumbling.
    • Cook on Medium Oven Rack: For uniform baking, place your cookie cake on the middle shelf. It’s ready when the edges are golden and the middle is firm, but it will solidify more as it cools.
    Slice of Cookie Cake with a fork

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can you classify a cookie cake as an actual cake?

    While it’s essentially a large cookie adorned with icing and colorful sprinkles, you can slice and serve it as you would a traditional cake.

    How can you tell when a cookie cake is perfectly baked?

    A golden-brown hue around the sides signals it’s ready. Keep in mind that it will undergo further baking once out of the oven, even if the center seems slightly undone.

    Is refrigerating a cookie cake necessary?

    No need to chill it. Just store it at a cool room temperature, making sure it’s wrapped in plastic or foil to maintain its freshness.

    Slice of Cookie Cake missing a bite.

    Enjoying Your Cookie Cake

    Indulge in this luscious homemade Cookie Cake rich with molten chocolate chunks. Relish it on its own or paired with more treats or a warm cup of your preferred beverage.

    • Additional Cookies: Complement this delectable cake with a selection of cookies, such as Cream Cheese Cookies or Chewy Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies.
    • Sweet Delights: Accompany it with other confections like Chocolate Crème Brûlée or Candied Pecans.
    • Other Cakes: Enjoy alongside a slice of Tiramisu Cake or a classic New York Style Cheesecake.
    • Drinks: Pair your cookie cake piece with a creamy Pumpkin Spice Latte or a refreshing Iced Matcha Latte.

    Preparing in Advance

    Prepare Beforehand: The Cake can be prepared a day earlier to enhance taste. Form the dough in the pan and cover it in plastic; refrigerate until it’s time to bake, removing the wrap pre-baking. Expect slightly longer baking if the dough is cold.

    Storing Leftovers: If you have any cake left over, lightly wrap it and keep it at room temperature; it should remain lovely for up to three days. Try not to refrigerate, which can dry it out.

    For Freezing: Cookie cakes freeze splendidly. Entirely surround the cake in plastic and aluminum foil before freezing. You can store it for up to 3 months. Defrost at room temp for a few hours. If unfrosted, a brief oven warming might be pleasant.

    Explore More Delicious Cakes!

    • Slice of Nutella Cake on a plate.

      Nutella Cake
    • Slice of Chocolate Spartak Cake on a blue plate.

      Chocolate Spartak Cake
    • Front view of a slice of Easy Oreo Cheesecake with 3 Oreos on top and crumbs on the white plate.

      Easy Oreo Cheesecake (VIDEO)
    • A Flourless Chocolate Cake missing a slice and topped with chocolate ganache, powdered sugar, and fresh raspberries.

      Flourless Chocolate Cake

    Complete Baking Instructions


    Immerse yourself in the delight of baking with this Giant Cookie Cake recipe, a perfect combination of rich butter, melting chocolate chips, and luscious buttercream icing. A decadent treat that’s sure to indulge your sweet tooth!

    5 out of Print Pin Rate

    cookies, Dessert
    Prep Time:

    12 minutes

    Cook Time:

    25 minutes

    Total Time:

    37 minutes




    • 1 Wilton 2D piping tip

    • 1 Electric hand mixer

    • 1 9-inch springform baking pan


    Necessary Items

    Base for Cookie Cake

    • 2 1/2
      standard flour

    • 1
      sodium bicarbonate

    For the Chocolate Frosting

    • 1/2
      plain butter, ensure it’s soft


  • Half teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Two tbsp milk
  • Assorted color sprinkles
  • Directions

    • First, mix together 2 and a half cups of flour, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, and 1 teaspoon of salt by passing them through a sifter into a large bowl.
    • Take another bowl and blend together 1 cup of room-temperature unsalted butter, 1/3 cup of granulated sugar, and 1 cup of golden brown sugar for around a minute until the mixture is well combined, using a hand mixer for ease.
    • Introduce 1 whole egg, 1 separate egg yolk, and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract to the creamy butter-sugar blend and mix well to incorporate.
    • Now, combine the previously sifted dry ingredients into the wet mixture to create the cookie dough, mixing well to ensure a uniform texture.
    • Stir in 1 and 1/4 cups of semisweet chocolate chips into the dough until they are evenly distributed.
    • Next, prepare a 9-inch springform pan by lining it with parchment paper. Press the cookie dough into the pan evenly and sprinkle a handful of chocolate chips over the top. Bake it in a preheated oven at 350°F for 22-25 minutes on the middle shelf.
    • While the cookie cake is in the oven, prepare the chocolate buttercream frosting by whipping together half a cup of softened butter, half a cup of cocoa powder, 2 and a half cups of powdered sugar, a half teaspoon of vanilla extract, and 2 tablespoons of milk until the frosting is smooth and creamy.
    • Once the cookie cake has cooled down, place it on a flat serving dish. With a piping bag fitted with a Wilton 2D tip, decorate the edges of the cake with the chocolate buttercream frosting. Finish by sprinkling a generous amount of colorful sprinkles over the frosting.

    Nutritional Information



    Total Fat:


    Saturated Fat:


    Trans Fat:








    Dietary Fiber:




    Vitamin A:






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