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    Creamy Paula Deen Chicken Salad Recipe

    Creamy Paula Deen Chicken Salad Recipe

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    Are you looking for a delicious snack? The Paula Deen chicken salad recipe is a delightful and light meal option made with a blend of healthy ingredients.

    This classic salad combines spicy, tangy, and creamy flavors using common kitchen staples. You’ll have it ready in no time!

    To prepare this chicken salad, simply mix mayonnaise, roasted chicken, spices, and herbs in a bowl. Serve and enjoy this delicious dish in no time.

    Paula Deen’s chicken salad recipe is a quick and easy option, taking only around ten to twelve minutes to prepare.

    Added almonds provide a rich and nutty flavor to the salad.

    Whether paired with side dishes or used as a sandwich filling, this unique salad recipe is sure to tantalize your taste buds. Indulge in the great taste of this salad creation!

    Check out the recipe instructions and nutritional information below.

    What’s In The Post

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    What Equipment Will You Need To Make Paula Deen Chicken Salad?

    • Bowl – Combine all the salad ingredients in the bowl.
    • Spatula – Use a wooden spatula for making chicken salad. 

    How Much Time Will You Need To Make Paula Deen Chicken Salad?

    Preparation TimeCooking TimeTotal Time
    6 Minutes6 Minutes12 Minutes

    What Ingredients Will You Need To Make Paula Deen Chicken Salad?

    • Chicken – Use roasted chicken for the chicken salad recipe.
    • Mayonnaise – Add mayonnaise to add creaminess to the salad. Also, it will give a nice tangy flavor.
    • Lemon – Squeeze lemon into the salad to elevate the texture and flavor instantly.
    • Onion – Add chopped onions for the savory flavors and a crunchy element. 
    • Celery – Refreshing celery adds a crispy element to the salad.
    • Grapes – Choose red grapes to add to the salad for a nice tangy flavor.
    • Almonds – Some chopped salted almonds for the rich texture.
    • Curry Powder – Curry powder gives a mild flavor to the salad. 
    • Salt – Balance the salad taste with a pinch of salt.
    • Black Pepper – Use black pepper to add a mild spicy kick.

    Steps To Make Paula Deen Chicken Salad 

    1. Combine Ingredients

    In a large bowl, mix mayonnaise, lemon juice, curry powder, salt, and black pepper thoroughly. 

    Then, add roasted chicken, red grapes, celery, onion, and chopped almonds. Combine all ingredients well. 

    2. Season And Serve 

    Adjust seasoning to your liking. Serve the salad in a bowl and enjoy. 

    Nutritional Information 

    Calories417 kcal
    Carbohydrates50 g
    Fat31 g
    Potassium319 mg
    Sodium288 mg
    Protein23 g

    How Will Paula Deen Chicken Salad Look And Taste Like?

    Paula Deen’s chicken salad recipe features a savory blend of crispy vegetables, juicy grapes, creamy mayonnaise, and crunchy almonds.

    It’s a rich salad with a creamy dressing, visually appealing due to the colorful vegetables.

    Recipe Card

    Paula Deen Chicken Salad Recipe

    Who doesn’t love a good chicken salad? Paula Deen’s recipe combines crunchy celery, flavorful grapes and onions, and crisp vegetables in a creamy mayo dressing.

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    • In a bowl, combine mayonnaise, lemon juice, curry powder, salt, black pepper roasted chicken, red grapes, celery, onion, and chopped almonds.
    • Combine well.
    • Paula Deen’s chicken salad is ready.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Do you put eggs in chicken salad?

    No! The eggs are not there in the chicken salad recipe. However, if you want to add eggs, add scrambled eggs. It will give a nice texture.

    Can you freeze chicken salad?

    You can freeze chicken salad. Keep it in the refrigerator for upto two hours.

    What goes well with chicken salad?

    Pair chicken salad with fruit salad, french fries, potato chips, green salad, and butternut squash soup for the best taste.

    How can I make my bland chicken salad taste better?

    Add lime juice, herb, spices, bacon, mustard sauce, pickle juice, or crunchy nuts to the chicken salad. All these options are great choices.

    Why is my chicken salad so dry?

    If you find your chicken salad dry, you can add lime juice to add flavor to the dish.


    Indulge in this refreshing creamy chicken salad that offers a blend of savory, spicy, and tangy flavors.

    This versatile salad complements sandwiches or can be used as a wrap filling. Grab a spoon and savor every bite!

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